New Buffalo, MI (Amtrak Wolverine & Blue Water) - The SubwayNut
New Buffalo, Indiana
Home<Amtrak<New Buffalo, MI<Photos Page 3
1984-2009 Pere Marquette Station|Current Station
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Amfleet I #82810 with the Chicago to St Lewis Illinois High Speed Rail logo (although the Amtrak-owned Michigan Line through New Buffalo has operated at 110mph for a much longer period of time
P42 #31 brings up the rear of the Blue Water
P42 #31 brings up the rear of the Blue Water leaving the station
P42 #31 crosses Whittaker Street
Pedestrians go around the crossing gates as P42 #31 at the rear of the push-pull Blue Water leaves the station
A crowd of pedestrians crossing Whittaker Street as the gates go up and the Blue Water fades into the distance, leaving the staiton
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1984-2009 Pere Marquette Station|Current Station
Home<Amtrak<New Buffalo, MI<Photos Page 3

Last Updated: 17 June, 2017
This website is not affiliated with Amtrak, their official website is here, A source I have used countless times while compiling this section is Amtrak's Great American Stations
This Website is maintained and copyright © 2006--2024, Jeremiah Cox. Please do not remote link images or copy them from this website without permission. Contact the webmaster